Monday, 27 February 2017

MC Sync-Link 3

MC Update--March 2017

During 2017 we are syncing our CORE MC entries with our monthly MC Updates. Essentially, we'll add a monthly weblog entry that contains brief excerpts from the MC Update for that month. By linking their two straplines together, the purpose and potential for connecting these two MCA tools becomes clear: "expanding the global impact of member care...reflections, research, and resources for good practice." May these materials encourage and equip you as you endeavor to practice member care well, with character, competence, and compassion.
Go for It!
Building Our Future Foundations—Now!
 (click HERE to access this issue)

Don’t quit!.
Do it!

In this Update we feature three articles that we have written over the last year (March 2016-March 2017). Although focusing mostly on mental health professionals, they are also very relevant for those with member care responsibilities. The articles are meant to encourage us as we consider the many new opportunities for member care in mission and for mental health as mission. This trio of articles provides directional tools that can help us build our “future foundations.” Chief among these tools is the global integration framework that we have been promoting the last six years….May these materials guide and goad us further into our future foundations and into the heart of Jesus Christ for all people…Go for it!....

I [Kelly] miss working at times with a healthy, close team of colleagues and especially with true friends.  I sometimes feel like a Ranger in Tolkien's in Lord of the Rings, doing good behind the scenes and periodically popping into public view for some important reason. Not always understood or appreciated, but sometimes yes. Sometimes I want to exit the world of influence and "rangering" and just be something like a barista at a classy-rustic-cool small hidden coffee cafe (close to good waves) and fade into oblivion, living a simple life working with my hands a la 1 Thes. 4:11. Fortunately though I have super friends who have been proven through adversity. We live on different continents. All of us forging relationships together in our 20s or earlier. Would we die for each other? In contrast, being betrayed by believers who are fair weather friends or foul-weather fiends is no fun. Yet not trying to wear it on your sleeve or define your life by betrayal. Following Jesus Christ is worth all.

We were just at an Oxford College (about 20 miles from our former home in Oxfordshire where we first really connected with Dave Pollock for a weekend at our place, dreaming of what was to become MemCa and planning, early 1998), on a private visit with the former Principal we know, with some of our closest friends too coming along, and I was wishing that as friends we could all somehow magically flow together in some new way, leveraging our various skills/life experiences/faith on behalf of humanity in a new over fine English ale about making our marks in later life, doing something that could really have an impact vs something that would sustain our lifestyles primarily, ad majorem Dei gloriam… (Kelly's email, February 2017)

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Kelly and Michèle