Thursday, 25 May 2017

MC Sync-Linc 6

MC Update--June 2017
During 2017 we are syncing our CORE MC entries with our monthly MC Updates. Essentially, we'll add a monthly weblog entry that contains brief excerpts from the MC Update for that month. By linking their two strap lines together, the purpose and potential for connecting these two MCA tools becomes clear: "expanding the global impact of member care...reflections, research, and resources for good practice." May these materials encourage and equip you as you endeavor to practice member care well, with character, competence, and compassion.
New Resources
Gazing-Going Beyond Our Shores
(click HERE to access this issue)

Cover detail from Iona's Beyond These Shores (1993)

Beyond these shores into the darkness
Beyond these shores this boat must sail
And if  this is the way then there will be
A path across the sea.

Iona music video

In this Update we continue to fix our gaze broadly, featuring yet going beyond familiar member care shores in order to explore many new resources from different sectors. It is especially inspired by the group Iona, whose music over 25+ years has encouraged us further into our global member care journey and Christian spirituality. We include links to two Iona music videos from Beyond These Shores (on sojourning into mission) and finish with some personal and faith-based reflections on our “global gaze.”

As we gaze globally into our precarious, perilous, and precious world, we do so with our eyes fixed steadily on Jesus Christ. Although we have not seen Him yet, we love Him, believe in Him, and rejoice in Him (I Peter 1:8). We are people of hope, people with a Living Hope. We focus on Groom's Day, not Doom's Day (I Peter 1:13, Titus 2:13).

Share your comments/resources about this Update on the MCA Facebook page.
Share this Update with your colleagues and networks.

Kelly and Michèle

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