Sunday, 15 January 2017

MC Sync-Link 1

MC Update--January 2017

During 2017 we are syncing our CORE MC entries with our monthly MC Updates. Essentially, we'll add a monthly weblog entry that contains brief excerpts from the MC Update for that month. By linking their two straplines together, the purpose and potential for connecting these two MCA tools becomes clear: "expanding the global impact of member care...reflections, research, and resources for good practice." May these materials encourage and equip you as you endeavor to practice member care well, with character, competence, and compassion.

Special Issues on Member Care: 
Journals and Magazines (1983-2017)
click HERE to access this issue)

Twenty special journal and magazine issues over a 34 year period…These are important metrics that reflect the ongoing development of member care in mission. This Update takes a closer look at these 20 special issues and shares links for accessing them: some are for free online and others can be purchased in pdf/hard copies at special rates. Part One features the just-published issue by the Journal of Psychology and Theology (JPT) on “Psychology and Mission” (December 2016 with another issue scheduled for June 2017). Part Two lists the 20 special issues by journal/magazine and by date of publication. Part Three then goes into more detail by listing the table of contents for the special issues. Collectively, all 20 special issues give us a good sense of many important member care topics that have been dealt with over the years….

“Beginning in 1983, the Journal of Psychology and Theology has published four special editions devoted to the topic of psychology and missions; on average, these issues were released at a rate of two per decade (i.e., 1983, 1987, 1993, and 1999). After a 17-year hiatus, this fifth psychology and missions special edition of JPT provides an opportunity to reflect on what we have learned thus far through the almost 70 articles published in JPT since 1973 on the interrelationship of psychological and theological concepts…” (Excerpt from the Introduction (free online/pdf), Dr. Nancy Crawford and Dr. David Wang, Guest Editors)

…we hope that all the special issues included in this Update will be a valuable source or encouragement, reflection, and guidance for member care--perhaps pointing towards the development of a special global journal/periodical devoted to member care. We believe it is crucial to understand our historical foundations as we carefully consider our future and the challenges and opportunities to bring hope and healing to our troubled world.

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on the MCA Facebook page.
Share this Update with your colleagues and networks.

Kelly and Michèle

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