Agapetic Humans

Human resiliency is the ability to face reality:
How resilient are you?

The American WWII cemetery, Normandy, France.
Human resiliency is the ability to face reality:
to deal with and grow through life’s challenges.
How resilient are you?
You may never know until you lay down your life.
Our discussions of resiliency and the flow of this entire weblog are intentionally heading us towards an ultimate destination: agape. Resilient love.
Resilient love is what characterises agapetic humans. Agapetic is derived from agape + etic. Yes, of course it is a new word. (smile) It is a combination of the Greek theological word for the truest form of selfless sustainable love (agape) and the anthropological term also derived from the Greek which refers to an objective perspective/observation that is relevant across cultures (etic).
Resilient love is universally relevant.Across all people, places, and time periods.

Agapetic humans have a resilient core that helps them to consistently give life to others. They are committed to truth, justice, honesty, courage, peace, and all virtues. Their love, as stated in I Corinthians 13, never ceases. It is not just life-giving and sacrificial, however. It is also life-filled and celebratory.

Celebrating love, 1985, in California. This year is our 25th wedding anniversary.
Photo taken down the road from where/when We Are the World was produced.
The foundation for member care is agape.
The motivation for our work in mission/aid is agape.
Our work/relationships require
resilient love from agapetic humans.
resilient love from agapetic humans.
Notes, Quotes, and More
Notes, Quotes, and More
This year marks the 25th anniversary of the song We Are the World. When you click on the song there is also a special box to expand that includes the lyrics and the names of each musician that is singing.
This song was recorded in 1985 as part of a major effort to raise awareness and commitment to help people in dire need, especially in Africa. It was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, and co-produced by Quincy Jones and Michael Omartian.
According to the Wikipedia entry, “In all, more than 45 of America's top musicians participated in the recording, and another 50 had to be turned away. Upon entering the recording studio, the musicians were greeted by a sign pinned to the door which read, "Please check your egos at the door". They were also greeted by Stevie Wonder, who proclaimed that if the recording was not completed in one take, he and Ray Charles, two blind men, would drive everybody home.”
The song, released 7 March 1985, was part of the We Are the World album and became a huge chart success internationally. It’s words still ring true today, 25 years later. It’s message still grips our hearts and galvanizes us to actively and practically love.
According to the Wikipedia entry, “In all, more than 45 of America's top musicians participated in the recording, and another 50 had to be turned away. Upon entering the recording studio, the musicians were greeted by a sign pinned to the door which read, "Please check your egos at the door". They were also greeted by Stevie Wonder, who proclaimed that if the recording was not completed in one take, he and Ray Charles, two blind men, would drive everybody home.”
The song, released 7 March 1985, was part of the We Are the World album and became a huge chart success internationally. It’s words still ring true today, 25 years later. It’s message still grips our hearts and galvanizes us to actively and practically love.
Trust God.
Stay the course.
May your resilient love give life and celebrate life.
Reflection and Discussion
Reflection and Discussion
1. What are a few experiences that have influenced your capacity to be an agapetic human?
2. List a few recent examples of how you have experienced or expressed resilient love in your own life.
3. What were some of your responses as you watched the music video above, We Are the World?
4. Here are some of the main terms and concepts from all six weblog entries on resiliency. Which ones do you find the most relevant? You may have to review the entries to be sure! Perhaps one day we will find many of these words in all good dictionaries. (smile)
**High salinity humans: resiliency like salt enhances and protects the quality of life and helps detoxify; 3Ps of resiliency are perseverance (inner strength), people (social support), and purpose (meaning in life and belief in God’s goodness).
**Hydro humans: H2O is a metaphor for resiliency--Human inner strength, Human relational support, and GOD; aquatic qualities to access sustaining/refreshing water for self/others even during the “droughts” of life
**Hydra humans: hydrainers that drain life and hydragons that destroy life; the continuum of parasitic pathogens and pathogenic parasites.
**Salquatic humans: capable of crying, healing feeling, tear flows of emotional saltwater.
**High-virtue humans: core trio of virtues—perseverance, honesty, courage (virtrio) and virtrios humans; core trio of evil--corruption, cover-ups, cowardice (trimangle); resilient virtue prevails against resilient evil.
**Agapetic humans: sacrificial and celebratory resilient love.
5. Francis Schaeffer, a 20th century historian and philosopher, has stated that love is the final apologetic. What do you think and above all how is the reality of your beliefs demonstrated in your life?
5. Francis Schaeffer, a 20th century historian and philosopher, has stated that love is the final apologetic. What do you think and above all how is the reality of your beliefs demonstrated in your life?
Note: This entry and the upcoming index, conclude three years of "reflections and resources for good practice" on the MCA weblog. We have been delighted to share with you this “public journal of our private journey." We trust that the current entry especially will be a helpful bridge into the future by encouraging resilient love—sacrificial and celebratory. Agape is from God. It is the foundation and the capstone for member care and everything in between, and indeed for all of life.
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