Monday, 12 September 2016

Global Integrity 17

Executive Integrity
Moral Wholeness for a Whole World

Integrity is moral wholeness—living consistently in moral wholeness. Its opposite is corruption, the distortion, perversion, and deterioration of moral goodness, resulting in the exploitation of people. Global integrity is moral wholeness at all levels in our world—from the individual to the institutional to the international. Global integrity is requisite for “building the future we want—being the people we need.” It is not easy, it is not always black and white, and it can be risky. These entries explore the many facets of integrity with a view towards the global efforts to promote sustainable development and wellbeing.

Managing Executive Health is a co-authored book that takes a positive approach to the health of managers, executives, and business leaders. It emphasizes “physical vigor, psychological well-being, spiritual vitality, and ethical integrity. Here are some excerpts from chapter 10, Ethical Character. It is refreshing to see such a clear emphasis placed on leaders who can develop and act with integrity!

It is not enough [for leaders] to be physically, psychologically, and spiritually sound.  To complete the package, one must examine one’s character in order to ensure the optimal use of life. The final piece of the four-dimensional model, our character, can be developed and improved, just as our physical or psychological health can. (p. 177)

For our purposes, we define ethical character as personal integrity. Integrity is defined as “the state of being unimpaired; soundness or the quality or condition bring whole or undivided; completeness.” The individual is undivided in his or her fundamental beliefs and attitudes, presenting those values to everyone. (p. 178)

…someone with personal integrity is often required to take action against an issue that seems unjust or inequitable…The person cannot simply refuse to participate in the behaviors. A person with true integrity  must stand up for what he or she believes. (p. 178)

[Quoting others about personal character:] Who are you when no one is watching?…What is the right thing to do in this situation?’…What sort of person must I become to be able to do the right thing? (p. 183)

While character and personal integrity are important for everyone to possess, it is especially important for those individuals who affect the lives of others: the men and women who manage our organizations and become role models for people who work for them With people off true integrity running the major corporations, the world can only become a better place in which to live. (p. 192)

Managing Executive Health: Personal and Corporate Strategies for Sustained Success (2008), James Quick, Cary Cooper, Joanne Gavin, and Jonathan Quick

--List one help and one hindrance for developing greater integrity is executives and leaders.

--What do you think of the authors’ definition of integrity?

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