Global Interns
Common Ground as Learners-Practitioners
We think that the time
is coming for a diversity of colleagues to come together intentionally,
visibly, and practically on behalf of global integration (GI). GI put simply is how we skilfully
integrate our lives and values on behalf of the issues facing humanity.
Likewise we think that the time is coming for colleagues to carefully reflect
and act on what it means to
be good global learners-practitioners--to seriously consider what
it means to be what we are calling global integrators (GI-People).
This entry builds a on two previous ones on Staying Updated (13 July 2015) and Pathways for Preparation (28 May 2015). The basic point: personal and collective humility as global integrators is essential to recognize our strengths and limitations as learners-practitioners. Perhaps ultimately our need for one another provides the most solid common ground upon which we all stand.
Global integrators who are trying to connect and contribute meaningfully in our globalizing world are perpetual learners. They understand that there are no terminal degrees in professional perfection, no Ph.D.eities awarded. There really are not to many of us who are multi-XYZ-savvy experts. Rather we are much more like "global interns" who need to be and want to be constantly learning with/from/under a diversity of colleagues who themselves are global interns.
So we are global integrators who are interning in global matters. We are dependent on one another, since our knowledge and skills, though substantial, are nonetheless limited. Authentic and pragmatic humility helps us to maintain this perspective and to freely acknowledge our dependence on one another (not to mention doing a variety of more mundane clerical things out of the limelight). So as I see it, the fact of our all being global interns provides very solid and substantial common ground for working together.
Prioritizing special learning events once a week
Here are three upcoming events in the next three weeks that on a personal level reflect my ongoing internship status (and interests!) as a learner-practitioner. I am not invited to speak at any of these events. That's ok. The presenters/conveners and participants likely have no idea who I am. That's ok too. I even periodically feel overlooked, undervalued, not so appreciated, and wish that someone out there would recognize me more. That's still Ok. At my core as a global integrator is the desire to just keep at it. I want to to keep learning as I cross sectors in order to help me connect and contribute as meaningfully as possible in our needy world--and of course, if you know me a bit by now, to do so ad majorem Dei gloriam.
Friday 18 September 2015, webinar
Faith in Action at the United Nations General Assembly
UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Religion and Development
Global integrators who are trying to connect and contribute meaningfully in our globalizing world are perpetual learners. They understand that there are no terminal degrees in professional perfection, no Ph.D.eities awarded. There really are not to many of us who are multi-XYZ-savvy experts. Rather we are much more like "global interns" who need to be and want to be constantly learning with/from/under a diversity of colleagues who themselves are global interns.
So we are global integrators who are interning in global matters. We are dependent on one another, since our knowledge and skills, though substantial, are nonetheless limited. Authentic and pragmatic humility helps us to maintain this perspective and to freely acknowledge our dependence on one another (not to mention doing a variety of more mundane clerical things out of the limelight). So as I see it, the fact of our all being global interns provides very solid and substantial common ground for working together.
Prioritizing special learning events once a week
Here are three upcoming events in the next three weeks that on a personal level reflect my ongoing internship status (and interests!) as a learner-practitioner. I am not invited to speak at any of these events. That's ok. The presenters/conveners and participants likely have no idea who I am. That's ok too. I even periodically feel overlooked, undervalued, not so appreciated, and wish that someone out there would recognize me more. That's still Ok. At my core as a global integrator is the desire to just keep at it. I want to to keep learning as I cross sectors in order to help me connect and contribute as meaningfully as possible in our needy world--and of course, if you know me a bit by now, to do so ad majorem Dei gloriam.
Friday 18 September 2015, webinar
Faith in Action at the United Nations General Assembly
UN Inter-Agency Task Force on Religion and Development
“There is increasing recognition of the
long-standing contributions and pivotal roles of religious leaders and
faith-based development and humanitarian organizations. Given this year's High
Level Summit to adopt the Post-2015 Development Agenda and on the occasion of
the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations (#UN70), there will
be a rich number of initiatives taking place in and around the UN, including
with bilateral development counterparts.”
You can join live via Google Hangouts on Air at: 110284924376196088352/posts
Or visiting the YouTube Live Stream at: v=dEcij6_ftQ8
Or visiting the YouTube Live Stream at:
Thursday 24 September 2015, webinar
Practical Dilemmas of Principled Action: Impartiality
Professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection
"The [humanitarian] principle of impartiality carries
a triple function, creating an ethical requirement that aid be given on a
non-discriminatory basis, determining that operations must identify and address
the needs of the most vulnerable, and building trust and acceptance within a
conflict context. In crisis situations, where many people have needs – often
serious ones – in what ways do humanitarian actors differentiate, or not,
between people in need versus those most in need? How do impartiality
and agency specialization affect one another, both in theory and in practice?
What does impartiality mean for an organization with a long history of working
in a certain community or region in need when there are other communities or
regions in more urgent distress?”
For more information:
Friday 30 September 2015, presentation
Creating a Culture of Transparency
Graduate Institute Geneva
"With people worldwide demanding more open and accountable government and
business, how can we fight back against corruption and promote transparency and
integrity? Cobus de Swardt [Managing Director of Transparency
International] will explore how smart partnerships can enable politicians,
business and civil society to join forces in the fight against grand
More information here:
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