Friday, 3 January 2025


Member Care Updates

Special News--January 2025

Issue 189

Member Care Updates
Expanding the global impact of member care
Working together for wellbeing and effectiveness

Special News--January 2025
Global Pearl: 1
Following and Serving Jesus Christ

Image from cover of GMC 2

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold everything that he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:44-46
A very good new year to you! In this issue (#189) we begin a 12 part series called Global Pearl to help shape and support good member care practice around the world. Throughout the series we emphasize Jesus Christ--the Global Pearl of Great Price (MT 13:45) as we collaborate to engage in mission among all peoples--the global treasure of great price (MT 13:44).

Featured Resources
New member care book--RelentlessWe Press On
Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick
New podcast interview--A Team Model for Pastoral Coaching
Edward Bruce and Kendall Johns
New assessment tool--Marital Check-Up Inventory for Cross-Cultural Workers
Laurie Tone
Blog post--
Highlighting Member Care History
Kelly  O'Donnell 

Note--William Carey Publishing is offering a 30% discount on their 21 books published in 2024--paperbacks and eBooks with code CELEBRATE2024. Valid through 31 January 2025. View the selection of books HERE.

See these Member Care Updates
Integrity for Mission and Member Care (June 2023)
Member Care and Unreached Peoples (April 2019)
Jesus Christ—The Lord of Member Care (September 2015)

See also 
Following Jesus Globally: Engaging the World through Global IntegrationLausanne Global Analysis (2020) and the expanded version, Following and Serving Jesus Globally: A Framework for Engaging with Our World (chapter 2) in Global Member Care Volume 3: Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course (2024).
Warm greetings, 
Kelly and Michèle

--See more resources on our MCA website and  MCA Facebook page 
--Send us your ideas and resources for future MC Updates
--Forward to your colleagues and networks

Featured Resources
Global Pearl: 1
Following and Serving Jesus Christ

Image from cover of GMC 3

Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be.
My Father will honor the one who serves me.

John 12:26


Resource One
New book--RelentlessWe Press On
Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick (2024)

"Have you ever listened to an inspiring story from a missionary serving in a far-away land and wondered, 'How do they forge on through such difficulties?' In Relentless, you’ll hear answers from Team Expansion team members across the planet. In the pages of this book, they share not only the narrative, but also the backstory too – the 'why' and the 'how' they press on. Relentless: We Press On captures the essence of unwavering faith and determination. The compelling stories illustrate God's relentless love and its transformative impact. It will serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for navigating life's complexities – for you and all those you know." (quote from Amazon site and based on the back cover)

Note--See also Tough People for Tough Places: Member Care Reflections from Team Expansion by Doug and four colleagues (chapter 16 in Global Member Care Volume 3).

“In this chapter, we describe the development and practice of member care in our organization, Team Expansion. We now have 10 member care specialists on staff (four full-time and six part-time) who work closely with our leadership structure. The stakes can be very high for our workers and those whom they serve, so we want to do all we can to back them up with good member care. We have organized this reflective chapter into five sections—one per author. We cover the development of member care during the 45-year journey of a mission CEO, managing chronic stress and trauma in the field, drawing near to the Good Shepherd, understanding how ‘spiritual bypassing’ can hinder personal growth, and identifying what is working well in our member care approach.” (page 265)

Resource Two
New podcast--A Team Model for Pastoral Coaching
Interview with Edward Bruce and Kendall Johns (December 2024)

The fifth episode of Staying the Course in Mission and Member Care features two of the four authors from chapter 20 in Global Member Care Volume 3 (GMC 3). Senior member care colleagues Edward and Kendall discuss the pastoral coaching ministry--a comprehensive team approach--that they have helped to develop over the years for their organization. They share about some of their early struggles in cross-cultural ministry and some core emphases and resources that they use to foster resiliency--emphasizing abiding in Christ and mutual support--to help workers navigate the challenges of  unreached settings. Power point HERE.

Full video version--45 minutes  and Full audio version--45 minutes

Previous podcasts: Overviewing Global Member Care Volume  3 (August), Prioritizing Frontier People Groups (September), Developing Member Care in Indonesia (October), and Mental Health as Mission–Trauma Training and Care (November).

Note--This new podcast series (video and audio versions) features our interviews with and materials from several of the 50+ contributors in GMC 3. GMC 3 is a collaborative book with over 50 contributors and 20 chapters full of stories, strategies, reflections, and resources from member care and mission colleagues around the world. It is inspired by the vision to see member care further develop globally to support mission among all peoples. See the Table of Contents HERE and the full endorsements HERE.

Resource Three
New assessment tool--Marital Check-Up Inventory for Cross-Cultural Workers 
Laurie Tone (2024)

This new marital check-up inventory tool is designed for use by pastoral counselors, member care providers, or other behavioral health professionals exploring key domains that impact Christian couples serving in a cross-cultural context. There is an additional optional set of questions for married couples with children. The inventory tool is intended to identify marital strengths, help recognize areas needing attention, or pinpoint problem areas before they exacerbate. A tool kit including instructions for use, the inventory, scoring sheet and handout on keys to a healthy marriage are available upon request. Contact Laurie at to request these materials offered free of charge.  
Note--See Growing in Grace and Good Works–Featuring the Resources of Dr. Laurie Tone (Member Care Update--March 2024which also includes Laurie's update of the CHOPS Stress Inventory.

Global Member Care--12 Pearls
Twelve blog posts to explore good practice

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven
from God,  prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband....
The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl.

Revelation 21 2 21

Image from cover of GMC 1

This set of blog entries from 2011 explores member care by using brief quotes from the book, Global Member Care Volume 1The Pearls and Perils of Good Practice. There is one quote from each of the book's 12 chapters. Each quote is like a huge pearl--a pearl gateway--that allows us to enter more fully into the global field of member care. Challenging and relevant!

Pearl One--Highlighting Member Care History
"Over the last twenty years, a special ministry within the Christian mission/aid sector, really a movement, has developed around the world that is called member care. At the core of member care is a commitment to provide ongoing, supportive resources to further develop mission/aid personnel. Currently there are an estimated 400,000 full-time "foreign missionaries" and over 11.8 million national Christian workers from all denominations (Johnson, Barrett, and Crossing, 2010) [2024 estimate is 445,000 and 13,500,000 respectively]. Our member care parish (or catchment area), so to speak, is huge! But these figures do not reflect the number of Christians involved in the overlapping area of humanitarian aid [add other sectors], nor do they reflect the unknown number of "tentmakers" or Christians who intentionally work in different countries while also sharing their good works and faith. Sending organizations and churches, colleagues and friends, specialist providers, and also locals who are befriended are key sources of such care." (page 5)

"Member care, I have learned over and over again, is not about creating a comfortable lifestyle. Nor is it about trusting people instead of trusting God. Rather, it is about further developing the resiliency to do our work well which includes our character, competencies, and social support. It is also about developing relational resiliency, which includes working through the inevitable differences and impasses with international and local fellow-workers." (page 7)

Reflection and Discussion
Recall one aspect of your life/work that relates to the quote above.

Have a go at connecting the above quote with a current international area that interests/concerns you.

See also 
The Missional Heart of Member Care in the International Bulletin of Mission Research (2015), 39(2), 91-96. 
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God 
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39

Member Care Associates

Member Care Associates Inc. (MCA) is a Christian non-profit organization working internationally and across sectors. We focus on personnel development for mission, humanitarian, development, and health workers and their organizations; global mental health; ethics and good practice; and integrity/anti-corruption. Our services include consultation, training, research, developing resources, and publications. MCA is shaped by the Global Integration framework and the Missio Dei model of global member care (updated in Global Member Care Volume 3 in 2024).

Our Special News-Updates 1) promote the wellbeing and effectiveness (WE) of staff and sending groups and 2) support the diversity of colleagues with member care responsibilities. The focus is on the mission sector with applications for/from  the overlapping health, development, humanitarian, and other sectors.

Share the Updates with your colleagues and networks
Sign up is easy:


Global Integration (GI) is a framework for responsibly and actively engaging in our world--collaborating locally through globally for God's glory. It encourages connecting relationally and contributing relevantly on behalf of human wellbeing and the issues facing humanity, in light of our integrity and core values (e.g., ethical, humanitarian, human rights, faith-based). See more perspectives about GI HERE.
You can share your comments and resources on our MCA Facebook Page

Copyright ©2025 Member Care Associates, Inc.

Archived on the Member Care Associates website:

Resource Updates section

To receive the Updates:

To comment and add resources on the Updates:

MCA blog--Reflections, Research, and Resources:

MCA main website:

MCA email:

Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Humanity Care--Conclusion UPGs and SDGs 32


Concluding Thoughts
Seven Years (January 2018--December 2024)

Unreached People Groups
Sustainable Development Goals
UPGs and SDGs

A Proposal
We are considering a new series of blog entries (and/or perspectives/articles from various colleagues) that will look at the relationship between UPGs and SDGs: connecting points for collaboration, issues, and opportunities on behalf of some of the most vulnerable, overlooked, and often resilient people in the world. How does the global Church-Mission Community (CMC) involvement in the good news and good works especially on behalf of UPGs relate to the world community's efforts (spearheaded by the United Nations and Civil Society groups) to promote sustainable development especially via the SDGs. And vice versa.  What are some examples of collaboration or non-collaboration, and the results? TBD

Humanity Care—excerpts from Member Care Update, February 2017
“This Update features the newly expanded model for global member care. It emphasizes the missio Dei context for member care and adds a seventh sphere, Humanity Care….Humanity Care, reflects the growing interests and involvements in wellbeing for all people. It surrounds the other six spheres and is itself contained within the missio Dei, that is, the overall work of God in the world through Divine, secular, ecclesiastical, missiological, etc. means. Here is an abridged description of the seven spheres….

Sphere 7. Humanity Care: The Flow of Common Good (to be adjusted--updated to Humanity-Creation Care]
There is a tremendous need to address major problems affecting the wellbeing of people and the planet. Both member care and mission provide many opportunities for strategic involvement—at local to global levels—by Christian colleagues [from all backgrounds, across sectors, cultures, countries, etc.] who can leverage their character, competencies, and compassion. Those with member care responsibility in particular are encouraged to connect and contribute in our globalizing world in new ways for the common good while maintaining the focus on supporting the health, resiliency, and effectiveness of the diversity of mission personnel and their sending groups.”

Global Integration: My Journey into the Missio Dei Frontiers (video) EMS-ISFM Conference--Reconciliation: God's Mission through Missions for All (EMS) and Frontier Mission in an Emergent World (ISFM) (8 October 2022). Power point with notes HERE.

A Psychologist's Journey into Global Integrity (video). Lausanne-WEA GlobaIntegrity Network Conference --"Integrity and Anti-Corruption on the Frontlines" (30 April 2022) See also the written summary of  Reflections and Resources for the Interview.

Engaging in Humanity Care: Stress, Trauma, and Humanitarian Work
Christian Psychology Around the World–Special Focus: Coping with Stress in Theory and Practice (Issue 14, May 2020, pp. 153-167)

Following Jesus Globally: Engaging the World through Global Integration
Lausanne Global Analysis (January 2020–English, Spanish, Portuguese, French)
Link HERE for a copy of the article with a basic translation tool into 50 languages.

Well-Being for All: Mental Health Professionals and the Sustainable Development Goals
Journal of Psychology and Christianity (March 2017)

Multi-Sectoral Member Care: Engaging Our World as Global Integrators
Journal of Psychology and Theology (December 2016)

Global Mental Health: Sharing and Synthesizing Knowledge for Sustainable Development
Global Mental Health (September 2016)

Global Integration: Addressing the Pressing Issues Facing Our World—Overview and Opportunities for Mental Health Professionals
Christian Psychology Around the World (March 2016)

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Humanity Care--UPGs and SDGs 31


Global Integration Updates 
Special News--November 2024
Issue 101
View this email in your browser

 Global Integration Updates
Common Ground for the Common Good 
Be the people we need--Build the world we need

Special News--November 2024
The Global Integration Highway
Celebrating and Indexing 101 Issues!
Ten Υears--2015-2024

Bodega Bay, California--along Pacific Coast Highway 1
Being renewed as we journey along GI-101

"A much-traveled person knows many things;
and a person of great experience speaks sense."
Sirach 34:9

"Global Integration (GI) is a framework for actively and responsibly engaging in our world--locally to globally. It emphasizes connecting relationally and contributing relevantly on behalf of human wellbeing and the issues facing humanity, in light of our integrity, commitments, and core values (e.g., ethical, humanitarian, human rights, faith-based)." 


In this Update (#101) we are celebrating and indexing our 101 GI issues! The perspectives and diverse materials in these issues reflect our commitment  to encourage us all to work internationally across sectorsto promote common ground for the common good and to be the people we need as we seek to build the world we need.

Global Integration–Highway 101. This is our 101st Update. We are calling it the “Global Integration—Highway 101″ (GI-101). Come and travel with us on this resource highway as we review the GI Updates that we have done over the past 10 years.

Think of this summary Update as a major thoroughfare that is making hundreds of core and cutting edge GI resources accessible to our colleagues around the world. More personally, the GI-101 is also a nostalgic reminder for us of Highway 101 in California, and especially some of its beach routes (joining with Pacific Coast Highway 1) which have been a special part of our lives over the years.  So…welcome to GI-101!

We conclude the Update as usual with some personal perspectives on being "people of faith-hope-love" in the Christian tradition who embrace "common ground for the common good." It is an inclusive approach which encourages active learning and collaboration with a diversity of colleagues on behalf of wellbeing for all people and the planet.

Suggested Applications--Making It Personal

  • Review the topic categories below. What themes are the most common? List any other topics that you would like to include.
  • Go deeper by reviewing 1-3 or more GI Updates. How do they help you to connect relationalland contribute relevantlacross sectors and to find common ground for the common good? How does the emphasis on character and virtue help you to be the person you need to be in order to build the world we need? And what kind of world do you want to build?!
  • Share this Update with your friends, colleagues, organization(s), and network(s). Discuss practical applications for your life and work.
See these Global Integration Updates:

Warm greetings,
Kelly and Michèle

Featured Resources
The Global Integration Highway
Celebrating and Indexing 101 Issues!
Ten Υears--2015-2024

"In my own travels I have seen many things
and learned more than I can put into words." 

Sirach 34:11

Global Integration (GI) is a framework, embedded within the missio Dei, for actively integrating our lives (connecting and contributing) with global realities (addressing the major issues facing humanity and promoting wellbeing) in light of our core values....Our international work as psychologists is based in Geneva. It includes regular interactions with personnel/events in the United Nations, World Health Organization, and international NGOs—and hence materials, perspectives, and cutting-edge news that we can share with colleagues.” Global Integrators--1 CORE Member Care (16 January 2015)

 GI Index--101 Issues (2015-2024)
Arranged by Topic-Theme
Kelly and Michèle O’Donnell

All of our GI Updates are listed HERE and also archived HERE.
Book mark these links!


GI Overview
--101. November 2024GI 101! Celebrating and Indexing 100 Issues
--100. October 2024Being Global Integrators–Foundational Perspectives to Guide &  Goad
–30. December 2018A Framework for Engaging with Our World
--18December 2017: The Essential Review: Three Year Index of Resources & Reflections 
--15. June 2017: Doomsday: Next Stop, Global Dis-Integration?
--6. December 2015: Staying Current–Navigating the News
--2. GI Update April 2015:  Understanding the Current Global Context 
--1. February 2015: Sustainable Development: Common Ground for the Common Good
United Nations and Sustainable Development
 September 2024: Changing/Charting Our Course–UN Summit & Pact for the Future
--93. March 2024: UN Summit of the Future–Reviewing the Upcoming Summit and Pact
–85. July 2023Halfway into the SDGs: Taking Stock–Taking Action
–79. January 2023Resisting Despair & Disillusion: Getting Worse Before it Gets Worse?
–76. October 2022Perils, Paralysis, Hope: Sustainable Development--Or Destruction?
–68. February 2022Thinking Critically about Sustainable Development
–62. August 2021Sustainable Development Progress Report 2021
–49. July 2020The UN at 75: “We the peoples...”: Engaging in UN International Days
–43. January 2020: Shaping the Future We Want: UN75 Global Conversation
–39. September 2019One Week–Five UN Summits
–38. August 2019Progress Reports–Sustainable Development Goals
–34. April 2019: Keeping Up with the UN
–25. July 2018UN Web TV–Staying Current with United Nations activities
–19. January 2018General: UN Updates, SDG Updates, Multi-Sectoral Reports
--11. October 2016: Global Grids: New Strategies for Staying Informed–SDG Applications
--5. October 2015: Transforming Our World (SDGs)
Sectors—Reports and News
–71. May 2022: Into the Global Fray–Four New Books from Friends
–59. May 2021: Tracking Important News–Issues, Insights, Involvements
–57. March 2021: Global Trends–Perspectives and Priorities from the Sectors
–45. March 2020: Stories from the Sectors: Desperate Journeys and More
–44. February 2020: Wellbeing for Who? Global Reports from Seven Sectors
–37. July 2019Expanding Our Perspectives
–36. June 2019: Global Action Plans
–35. May 2019: Being Faith-Based–Evidence-Based: The Joint Learning Initiative etc.
–32. February 2019: Seven Sectors–Short Summaries
–21. March 2018Linking Sectors–Online Events: Humanitarian, NCDs, Peace, Psychology
–19. January 2018General: UN Updates, SDG Updates, Multi-Sectoral Reports
--13. February 2017: Connecting Across Sectors; What’s Happening—What’s Harkening 
--10. August 2016: Confronting Global Issues: New Resources from Seven Sectors
--9. June 2016: Global Citizenship: Recent Events and Resources 
--8. April 2016 Global Strides: Special Events for Improving Our World
--7. February 2016: Working Together Well—World Humanitarian Summit & Other Sectors
--6. December 2015: Staying Current–Navigating the News 
--5. October 2015: Transforming Our World—SDGs and News from the Sectors
--3. June 2015: General–Current and Crucial Resources
--2. GI Update April 2015:  Understanding the Current Global Context
Being the People We Need—Integrity and Virtue
–98. August 2024Being the People Our World Needs-Reflections on Loving Truth-Peace
–97. July 2024Being the People Our World Needs–Reflections on Living in Peace
–96. June 2024Being the People Our World Needs–Reflections on Living in Truth
–91. January 2024Why the “M” Word Matters–Rethinking Missionaries and Development
–88. October 2023Are You a “Non”? Respecting Colleagues-Balancing Influence
–84. June 2023Parables for Personal Growth–Tales for Your Healing Journey
–81. March 2023Developing Character Strengths–Being the Leaders Our World Needs
–74. August 2022: Repentance and Reconciliation–The Pope’s Pilgrimage of Penance
–53. November 2020Grieving Well-Healing Well: Resources for Growth during Loss
–52. October 2020: Tough Times. Tougher People: Best Selves–Better World
–31. January 2019Global Integrity Day and Moral Health–Video and Resources
--16. August 2017: Everyday Global Heroes: Moral Lives Matter
--14. April 2017: Living in Global Integrity: Moral Wholeness for a More Whole World 
–86. August 2023Evil Inc.–Trafficking Children for Sex
–80. February 2023: Uprooting Corruption in Our World and Lives–Plenaries from the IACC
–72. June 2022: Moral Health for a More Whole World (Global Integrity Day)
–61. July 2021Climate-Conflict-Corruption: Safeguarding People and the Planet

Malibu, California--along Pacific Coast Highway 1

Faith-Based Colleagues and Collaboration
–91. January 2024Why the “M” Word Matters–Rethinking Missionaries and Development
–82. April 2023Being InterFaith-Based–Doing Better Together
–74. August 2022: Repentance and Reconciliation–The Pope’s Pilgrimage of Penance
–48. June 2020: Managing Stress and COVID-Distress: Faith-Inclusive Resources
--4. August 2015: Faith-Based Partners in Transformation
Humanitarian Sector
–79. January 2023Resisting Despair & Disillusion: Getting Worse Before it Gets Worse?
–78. December 2022: Hurting Humans-Helping Humans: New Humanitarian Resources
–66. December 2021: Global Humanitarian Overview 2022
–41. November 2019: Helping Well in Humanitarian Settings: MHPSS
–29. November 2018Leaving No One Behind–Disasters, Development, etc.
--17. October 2017: Helping the Helpers: 50 Resources for Humanitarian Workers 
--7. February 2016: Working Together Well—World Humanitarian Summit and More

Peace and Security
–87. September 2023Peace and Security–Staying Alive in Our World
–75. September 2022: Arming the World–Promoting Positive Peace 
–70. April 2022: Staring War in the Face
–67. January 2022New Year’s YearningsPeace on Earth–Sharing our Stories-Strategies
–61. July 2021Climate-Conflict-Corruption: Safeguarding People and the Planet
–54. December 2020Genocide: Bearing Witness…
–42. December 2019: Peace, Justice, Inclusion and Strong Institutions: SDG 16+
–23. May 2018Peace Psychology/Sustaining Peace–Resources from Two Events
--12. December 2016: Peace and Security: Resources from Geneva Peace Week
Creation Care—Climate and Environment
February 2024Creation Care–Contemplating Laudate Deum and  COP28
–65. November 2021: Planet SOS: The UN Climate Conference
–63. September 2021: Code Red for Humanity: The UN Climate Report
–61. July 2021Climate-Conflict-Corruption: Safeguarding People and the Planet
–55. January 2021State of the Planet: Our Suicidal War on Nature
--4. August 2015: Faith-Based Partners in Transformation
April 2024Inequality, Inc.–Exploring Our Poverty-Prosperity Divides
–89. November 2023Multidimensional Poverty–Ending All Forms of Poverty Everywhere
Human Rights
December 2023 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (75 years) 
–79. January 2023Resisting Despair & Disillusion: Getting Worse Before it Gets Worse?
Staff Care
–60. June 2021: Staff Wellbeing: Getting it Right!
--17. October 2017Helping the Helpers: 50 Resources for Humanitarian Workers 

November 2022World Children’s Day–Love Them All!
–27. September 2018Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age–film, blog, etc.
–95. May 2024: Collaborating for SDG 4–Quality Education and Lifelong Learning for All
--9. June 2016: Global Citizenship: Education and Recent Events and Resources 
Global Mental Health and Global Psychology
–83. May 2023Crucial Contributions from Global Psychological-Behavioral-Social Sciences
–64. October 2021: Mental Health and Wellbeing for All
–73. July 2022: Transforming Mental Health for All (WHO World Mental Health Report)
–53. November 2020Grieving Well-Healing Well: Resources for Growth During Loss
–52. October 2020: Tough Times. Tougher People: Best Selves–Better World
–48. June 2020: Managing Stress and COVID-Distress: Faith-Inclusive Resources
–47. May 2020: Staying Sane during COVID-19: Mental Health Resources
–41. November 2019: Helping Well in Humanitarian Settings: MHPSS
–40. October 2019: Mental Health for All–Me Too!
–28. October 2018Wellbeing and Mental Health–New Materials and Milestones
–26. August 2018Where There Is No Psychiatrist–Book and Related Resources
–23. May 2018Peace Psychology/Sustaining Peace–Resources from Two Events

Global Health, Wellbeing, COVID
–69. March 2022: Global Hearing Health–Hearing for Life
–60. June 2021: Staff Wellbeing: Getting it Right!
–58. April 2021World Health Day: Building a Fairer, Healthier World
–56. February 2021: Covid Care: Reflections and Resources for Wellbeing 
–51. September 2020: Solidarity for Covid-Care: Being Real-Life Heroes
–50. August 2020: Keep Persevering: Stories and Strategies in the Pandemic
–48. June 2020: Managing Stress and COVID-Distress: Faith-Inclusive Resources
–47. May 2020: Staying Sane during COVID-19: Mental Health Resources
–46. April 2020: Confronting COVID-19: “Be smart. Be safe. Be kind.”
–33. March 2019: Universal Health Coverage
–24. June 2018The End of Epidemics—Book and Related Resources
–22. April 2018Enough Campaign–Combating Non-Communicable Diseases
–20. February 2018:  Event: Compassion in Health Webinar, WHO Global Learning Lab


Personal Reflections
Being People of Faith-Hope-Love

California Coastline USA--Image courtesy and © ENOD 2016

"I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.
This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.”

Martin Luther King Jr. Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, 1964

"Not all of us can do great things,
but we can do small things with great love.”

Mother Teresa

As people of faith who practice Christian spirituality, we are committed to responsibly engage with others in the challenges facing our world, locally through globally, while holding firmly to our belief that we are in God's hands. We pray that God's purposes "will be done on earth as they are in heaven;" acknowledge that prayer, repentance, and relationship with God are key to human-planetary wellbeing; and live in hope for the time when God through Jesus Christ will decisively intervene in human history with equity--righteousness and justice--to restore all things. And in the meantime, we seek to embrace lifestyles of integrity that prioritize a deep, practical love for truth, peace, and people--and this includes being willing to acknowledge, resist, and confront evil in its many forms (starting with ourselves, etc.)

We do not want to further problematize our world's plight by focusing primarily on the negative. Rather we want to also promote the many examples of the good going forward, as people of integrity find common ground for the common good.

Finally, we want to highlight that the despair and disillusion that result from seemingly intractable problems like climate, conflicts, poverty, and corruption can also be quite positiveThey can embody a crucial existential message about reality that can be "revisited"--explored and heeded--rather than simply "resisted." They can point us to Someone who is bigger than ourselves, the SDGs, humanity, and our world--the knowable, Eternal One who is both in and beyond space-time and who loves us all dearly. 

The above thoughts build upon the Personal Reflections in Perils, Paralysis, Hope: Sustainable Development-Sustainable Destruction? (Global Integration Update, October 2022).

Member Care Associates

Member Care Associates Inc. (MCA) is a non-profit, Christian organization working internationally from Geneva and the USA. MCA's involvement in Global Integration focuses on the wellbeing and effectiveness of personnel and their organizations across sectors (e.g., mission, humanitarian, peace, health, and development sectors) as well as global mental health and integrity/anti-corruption, all with a view towards collaboratively supporting sustainable development for all people and the planet. Our services include consultation, training, research, resource development, and publications.
Click on these items below to access our:

Global Integration
Global Integration (GI) is a framework for actively and responsibly engaging in our world--locally to globally. It emphasizes connecting relationally and contributing relevantly on behalf of human wellbeing and the issues facing humanity, in light of our integrity, commitments, and core values (e.g., ethical, humanitarian, human rights, faith-based). GI encourages a variety of people to be at the “global tables” and in the "global trenches"--and everything in-between--in order to help research, shape, and monitor agendas, policies, and action for all people and the planet. It intentionally links building the world we need with being the people we need.
Our Global Integration Updates are designed to help shape and support the emerging diversity of global integrators who as learners-practitioners are committed to the "common ground for the common good." 2015-current (100+ issues). 

See the list-links for our 
GI Publications and Presentations (2011-2024)

Global Pearl
The Global Integration image used in this Update (the global pearl) is a cover detail from our edited book, 
Global Member Care (volume 2): Crossing Sectors for Serving Humanity (2013). William Carey Publishing. Information on all three volumes is on the book series website HERE.
Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability;
it comes through the tireless efforts of men willing to be coworkers with God,
and without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the forces of social stagnation. 

Martin Luther King, Jr., 
Letter from a Birmingham Jail (April 1963)
Copyright ©2024
Member Care Associates, Inc.

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Disclaimer: The inclusion of the materials in the GI Updates as well as the recommendations and opinions expressed in these materials do not necessarily reflect their endorsement. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the materials lies with the reader.