Psychology and Integrity
Moral wholeness for a whole world
Integrity is
moral wholeness—living consistently in moral wholeness. Its opposite is
corruption, the distortion, perversion, and deterioration of moral goodness,
resulting in the exploitation of people. Global
integrity is moral wholeness at all levels in our world—from the
individual to the institutional to the international. Global
integrity is requisite for “building the future we want—being the people
we need.” It is not easy, it is not always black and white, and it can be
risky. These entries explore the many facets of integrity with a view towards
the global efforts to promote sustainable development and wellbeing.
Psychology is a relatively new field of psychology that has been rapidly
growing over the past two decades. It focuses on the positive aspects of human
personality (e.g., character strengths, virtue, and the heroic), personal
fulfillment, and overall wellbeing. More recently it has been extending beyond the individual focus to also include social and community wellbeing.
One of the most popular websites related to
positive psychology is Authentic
Happiness. This website includes a number of questionnaires
which one can take online for free, after a short registration. One of the most
popular questionnaires in the VIA Survey of
Character Strengths. This survey looks at 24 character strengths (organized
In terms of six broad virtues: wisdom,
courage, humanity, justice, temperance and transcendence).
Where is integrity in the VIA Survey? The
character strength of honesty is the
closest equivalent to integrity. “Honesty [authenticity, integrity]:
Speaking the truth but more broadly presenting oneself in a genuine way and
acting in a sincere way; being without pretense; taking responsibility for
one’s feelings and actions.” (https://www.viacharacter.org/www/Portals/0/Classification%202014.pdf).
Integrity as we define it though in these weblog
entries, is considerably different. It is not simply “presenting oneself in a
genuine way and acting in a sincere way” but rather endeavoring to live your
life in a consistently moral way. Integrity
in our view is a core, unifying characteristic of healthy (positive) human personality,
functioning, and wellbeing. It is not a third level descriptor (i.e. 1. Virtues, 2.
Character Strengths, 3. Descriptors). Arguably though, some aspects of integrity
are embedded implicitly in other Character Strengths, such as Bravery and Perseverance.
--Go on the Authentic Happiness website and take
the Character Strengths survey. What are your strengths? How do you rate in the
strength of honesty?
----How might integrity be embedded implicitly
in other aspect of the 24 Character Strengths?
(see descriptions HERE)
--See also: Entwistle, D. N., & Moroney, Stephen K. (2011).
Integrative perspectives on human flourishing: The imago Dei and positive
psychology. Journal of Psychology
and Theology, 39(4), 295-303. (article overview HERE)
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