Saturday, 30 January 2016

Global Integrity--2

United Nations Personnel
Moral wholeness for a whole world
See images, information, and highlights of the UN: HERE.

Integrity is moral wholeness—living consistently in moral wholeness. Its opposite is corruption, the distortion, perversion, and deterioration of moral goodness, resulting in the exploitation of people. Global integrity is moral wholeness at all levels in our world—from the individual to the institutional to the international. Global integrity is requisite for “building the future we want—being the people we need.” It is not easy, it is not always black and white, and it can be risky. These entries explore the many facets of integrity with a view towards the global efforts to promote sustainable development and wellbeing.

The United Nations has high expectations for its personnel. The “UN Core Competency Framework,” outlined below, describes the skills, attitudes, and behaviors that all UN staff are expected to have and to develop further. The Framework is organized into three categories: Core Values, Core Competencies, and Core Managerial Competencies. Integrity is the first of the three Core Values.
Source: UN Competency Development: A Practical Guide (2010)

--UN Core Values: integrity, professionalism, and respect for diversity.
--UN Core Competencies: communication, team work, planning and organization, accountability, creativity, client orientation, commitment to continuous learning, and technological awareness. 
--UN Managerial Competencies: leadership, vision, empowering others, building trust, managing performance and judgment, and decision-making.
“The competency of Integrity is a core value for the United Nations: An ability to work honestly, openly, impartially and in accordance with the values of the United Nations is critical for all staff members. All staff members are required to demonstrate this value, irrespective of the nature of their role.

Positive Indicators
--Upholds the principles of the United Nations Charter.
--Demonstrates the values of the United Nations, including impartiality, fairness, honesty and truthfulness, in daily activities and behaviours.
--Acts without consideration of personal gain.
--Resists undue political pressure in decision-making.
--Does not abuse power or authority.
--Stands by decisions that are in the Organization’s interest even if they are unpopular.
--Takes prompt action in cases of unprofessional or unethical behaviour.”   (p.5)

Negative Indicators
--Interprets principles and ethics flexibly without justification.--Seeks personal gain.
--Compromises too readily when under pressure.
--Favors certain issues, individuals or groups in a subjective way.
--Not reliable.
--May be dishonest.” (p. 11)

Note: See also the integrity rating scales for Staff, Managers, and Managers of Managers (pp. 12-14).

Review the core values and competencies for United Nations personnel (see the above link for the fuller description, pp. 5-8). Identify some ways for further developing integrity in your work setting/life (see the “Suggested Development Activities” in the above Guide, pp. p. 15-18).

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