Tu nobis victor Rex, miserere.

This is undoubtedly my favourite painting in El Prado museum. It was done by Antonello Da Messina circa 1476, oil on panel. The most striking aspect for me is the beautiful yet anguished face of the angel, grieving over the broken, beloved Christ.
I too grieve. I grieve for the broken, beloved member care body of Christ. I grieve when inflicte it with injury, either by ignorance or by intentionality. This can change.
Quomodo cantabimus canticum Domini in terra aliena?
Si oblitus fuero tui Hierusalem oblivioni detur dextera mea.
Si oblitus fuero tui Hierusalem oblivioni detur dextera mea.
Adhereat lingua mea faucibus meis si non meminero tui
si non praeposuero Hierusalem in principio laetitiae meae.
Psalm 136 (137) 4-6 Latin Vulgate
Reflection and Discussion
1. How can the mission/member care community develop the additional capacity it needs in order to protect and promote the health of the Body?
2. Sometimes people acknowledge how they have participated in the wounding of the Body, through ignorance and/or intentionality. They apologize and they offer restitution. They are genuinely contrite and they change their ways. Give a few examples.
3. When we love and heal the Body, we love and heal Christ. Comment on this statement in light of this verse: “…the church is Christ’s Body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:23).
2. Sometimes people acknowledge how they have participated in the wounding of the Body, through ignorance and/or intentionality. They apologize and they offer restitution. They are genuinely contrite and they change their ways. Give a few examples.
3. When we love and heal the Body, we love and heal Christ. Comment on this statement in light of this verse: “…the church is Christ’s Body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” (Ephesians 1:23).
If we were blind, we would have no sin;
but since we say, "We see," our sin remains.
John 9:41
Tu nobis vicor Rex, miserere.
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