Monday 16 July 2007

Member Care Training—Some Ways Forward

Here are some suggestions for making quality training more available internationally.
In the next blog entry we’ll share some key quotes related to training,
from the last 15+ years.

1. Develop a global listing of training opportunities.
Consider updating it every month (or at least every three months), and include brief descriptions and web/email links. Organising it by date, location, and content, would also be helpful. A coordinator or coordinating group with the time to do the updates would be necessary. Some commentary/analysis on where/what training is being offered—who is benefiting and where the greatest needs are—would also be important.

2. Form a network of trainers.
Consider connecting with other people who are doing training. Interact via the internet and at conferences. Establish some criteria for being part of such a network. As shared previously in other blog entries, accrediting/vetting member care workers (MCWs) can be very difficult due to the international diversity of backgrounds and training for MCWs. Develop an agenda to coordinate as much as possible some of the training, and do some joint projects.

3. Increase access to training.
Develop materials and courses to be used by correspondence (mail/post) and the internet, in addition to face to face training. Training materials in different languages and in audio and DVD format would be very important.

4. Maintain an annotated listing of key materials in member care.
Include books and articles, and web sites. Organise these also by language. Currently for example, there is a listing of some of the key books at and a listing of many articles at

Several web sites are included in the web links section at:

5. Some topics to consider for training:
Member care overview
Spiritual renewal/growth
Stress management/self-care/well-being
Travel/tropical medicine
Interpersonal skills/mutual care
Conflict management
Personnel/member care departments
Education for children
Crisis/contingency management
Financial support
Team development
Developing member care/networking
Depression/anxiety etc
Organisational development
Leadership development
Language/culture acquisition
Counselling/consultation skills

Reflection and Discussion
1. What other suggestions do you have for further developing member care training internationally?

2. What are some of the greatest needs?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another possible topic is pre-field assessment.