Friday, 28 February 2025

Global Pearl-3


Member Care Updates

Special News--March 2025

Issue 191

Member Care Updates
Expanding the global impact of member care
Working together for wellbeing and effectiveness

Special News--March 2025
Global Pearl: 3
Being Loved by Jesus Christ

Image from cover of GMC 2

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold everything that he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:45-46
Greetings! In this issue (#191) we continue our 12 part series called Global Pearl to help shape and support good member care practice around the world. Throughout the series we emphasize Jesus Christ--the Global Pearl of Great Price (MT 13:45) as we collaborate to engage in mission among all peoples--the global treasure of great price (MT 13:44).

Featured Resources
Book--Serving as Senders--Today by Neal Pirolo
This foundational and widely used book, translated into 20 languages, describes how  to practically care for mission workers throughout their ministry. The updated and expanded version (2011) includes examples of how the books Biblical principles are being applied around the world.

Podcast--Sharing My Father with the World, interview with Michael Pollock
This recent interview by Rhoda Bangerter (Holding Down the Fort Abroad podcast) explores how "[g]rowing up as the child of a minister and a father who was also actively involved in cross-cultural work,..shaped Michael's perspective, giving him an appreciation for the importance of his father's work while also highlighting the personal cost of his absence during key moments of his upbringing.

Ministry Tools--Weekly Roundup and 7 Days of Prayer by Justin Long
These two weekly updates are a  superb way to stay focused on unreached peoples. “The Free Weekly Roundup is a collection of 70+ links to events that occurred this week and impacted the unreached. It’s published every Friday...The 7 Days of Prayer is a Sunday prayer guide, with 7 prayer requests (1 per day) distilled from this week’s Roundup.”

Blog Post--Embracing Future Directions by Kelly O'Donnell
"The member care field therefore, while maintaining its core focus on supporting the diversity of mission/aid personnel, must expand into new international and cross-sector areas.  We will need courage to face new challenges...[and] a solid, practical theology that sees God at work throughout the variety of human efforts…around the world." 

See these Member Care Updates  
Loving Our Mission Workers–Staying the Course in the Missio Dei (May 2022)
Unreached PeoplesReviewing and Renewing Our Roots (April 2019)
Jesus Christ—The Lord of Member Care (September 2015)

News and Notes

World Watch List 2025--Advocacy Report , Open Doors. "This year’s research has found that more than 380 million Christians around the world face high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith. If 1 in 7 Christians, according to the World Watch List, are facing high levels of opposition [then] how many other faith groups are also affected?" (page 3) 

8th Asian Member Care Network Consultation with the theme “Ministry and Sacrifice–Sustainable Service” in Penang, Malaysia (7-11 April 2025)

International Society of Frontier Missiology (ISFM) focuses on people groups with no progress and/or no engagement--the "frontier mission task." It is shifting into an interactive discussion forum, including online consultations and with their International Journal of Frontier Missiology becoming an online journal (all free). Sign up HERE to be members of the ISFM.

See also: Following Jesus Globally: Engaging the World through Global IntegrationLausanne Global Analysis (2020) and the expanded version, Following and Serving Jesus Globally: A Framework for Engaging with Our World (chapter 2) in Global Member Care Volume 3: Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course (2024).
Warm greetings, 
Kelly and Michèle

--See more resources on our MCA website and  MCA Facebook page 
--Send us your ideas and resources for future MC Updates
--Forward to your colleagues and networks

Featured Resources
Global Pearl: 3
Being Loved by Jesus Christ

Image from cover of GMC 3

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.
Now remain in my love. 

John 15:9


Resource One--Special Book
Serving as Senders--Today 
by Neal Pirolo

This foundational and widely used book, translated into 20 languages, describes how to practically care for mission workers throughout their ministry. The updated and expanded version (2011) includes examples of how the books Biblical principles are being applied around the world.

See also: Sender Care for Our Workers Around the WorldMember Care Update (December 2019) which features the work of Neal and Yvonne Pirolo and Emmaus Road International.

Resource Two--Special Podcast 
Sharing My Father with the Worldinterview with Michael Pollock

The Staying the Course in Mission and Member Care podcast (STC) featured for March 2025 is an interview with Michael Pollock (GMC 3 consulting editor)It was done by Rhoda Bangerter for her podcast, Holding the Fort Abroad (September 2024). 

"Growing up as the child of a minister and a father who was also actively involved in cross-cultural work, had a profound impact on Michael. His father's frequent travels for youth ministry, pastoral duties, and later, more global roles in raising awareness about Third Culture Kids, created a complex dynamic in their family life. While there was a sense of pride and recognition in the meaningful work his father did, it also brought challenges. Michael reflects on the mixed emotions of having to "share" his father with others, often feeling that it wasn't a choice but a necessity. This experience shaped Michael's perspective, giving him an appreciation for the importance of his father's work while also highlighting the personal cost of his absence during key moments of his upbringing. This insightful podcast highlights the complexities of mobile family dynamics and the importance of attachment theory in understanding the experiences of TCKs. Key takeaways...” (quote from the interview synopsis)

See also: Spotlight on Interaction International, TCKs/FamiliesMember Care Update (October 2020) featuring the work of Michael Pollock and including the jointly authored book, Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds (3rd Ed. 2017) Michael serves as Executive Director of Daraja which focuses on providing and collaborating for TCK care in the USA and globally.

Note--STC podcasts (video and audio versions) feature our interviews with and materials from several of the 50+ contributors in Global Member Care Volume 3 (GMH 3). GMC 3 is a collaborative book with 20 chapters full of stories and strategies, and reflections and resources from colleagues around the world. It is inspired by the vision to see member care further develop globally to support mission among all peoples.

Going Further
STC Podcasts 2024--Featuring GMC 3 Chapter Authors
--Overviewing Global Member Care Volume  3 (August 2024)
--Prioritizing Frontier People Groups (September 2024)
--Developing Member Care in Indonesia (October 2024)
--Mental Health as Mission–Trauma Training and Care (November 2024)
--A Team Model for Pastoral Coaching (December 2024)

STC Podcasts 2025--Featuring GMC 3 Consulting Editors
--Trauma and Tragedy on the Mission Field (January 2025)
--Trauma and Soul Care (February 2025)
--Sharing My Father with the World (March 2025)

Resource Three--Special Tool
Weekly Roundup and 7 Days of Prayer by by Justin Long

"I monitor trends in the 10/40 Window, set them in context of history, and try to estimate how much of it really impacts the unreached, and what it might mean to them and the spread of the Gospel and the Kingdom.” Thank you Justin!

Justin's two weekly updates are a superb way to stay focused on unreached peoples. “The Free Weekly Roundup is a collection of 70+ links to events that occurred this week and impacted the unreached. It’s published every Friday (see a Preview)...The 7 Days of Prayer deomai (Greek for ‘beseech the Lord of the Harvest’) is a Sunday prayer guide, with 7 prayer requests (1 per day) distilled from this week’s Roundup.”  

See also: Global Trends–Applications for Mission and Member CareMember Care Update (March 2021). "In this Update we focus on examples of perspectives and priorities...from various sectors (part one) and mission/member care sources (part two). We do this with a view towards...[considering] the challenges and opportunities for seeing the good news and good works going forward among all nations and peoples (part three)."

Global Member Care--12 Pearls
Twelve special blog posts to explore good practice

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven
from God,  prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband....
The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl.

Revelation 21:21

Image from cover of GMC 1

This set of blog entries from 2011 explores member care by using brief quotes from the book, Global Member Care Volume 1The Pearls and Perils of Good Practice. There is one excerpt from each of the book's 12 chapters. Each excerpt is like a huge pearl--a pearl gateway--that allows us to enter more fully into the global field of member care. Challenging and relevant!

Pearl Three--Embracing Future Directions
"The need for [both foundational and future resources—the old and the new] must also take into account the significant shifts in demographics among the world’s 2.1 billion “affiliated Christians,” especially the growing majority of Christians in/from the diverse Global South(s) and the proportional decline in Christians in/from the diverse Global North(s) (Corwin, 2010; Johnson and Kim, 2006). These [resources] must also support the efforts to resolutely and responsibly deal with the world’s greatest problems, including the need to eradicate poverty (e.g., the 910 million urban slum dwellers), provide universal education, promote gender equality, combat HIV/AIDS, foster environmental sustainability, etc. [Note the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 and the UN Millennium Development Goals (2000-2015)]."

"The member care field therefore, while maintaining its core focus on supporting the diversity of mission/aid personnel, must expand into new international and cross-sector areas. Each of us for example, would do well to stay current with at least one related health area and/or global issue that we are particularly passionate about (including organizations, practitioners, resources etc. related to the area/issue). We will need courage to face new challenges to enhance human well-being and combat evil in its many forms. And we will need a solid, practical theology that sees God at work throughout the variety of human efforts…around the world." (quotes from page 54)

Reflection and Discussion
--Recall one aspect of your life/work that relates to the quote above.
--Have a go at connecting the above quote with a current international area that interests/concerns you.
--Discuss the quote with colleagues.

See also: 
Go for It! Building Our Future Foundations Now! Member Care Update (March 2017). This Update features a trio of articles we have recently done that provide "directional tools to help us build our 'future foundations'...into the heart of Jesus Christ for all people. We [also include] some...special encouragement from Lareau Lindquist’s book, Too Soon to Quit...'and a personal anecdote involving George Verwer. Go for it!

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God 
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39

Member Care Associates

Member Care Associates Inc. (MCA) is a Christian non-profit organization working internationally and across sectors. We focus on personnel development for mission, humanitarian, development, and health workers and their organizations; global mental health; ethics and good practice; and integrity/anti-corruption. Our services include consultation, training, research, developing resources, and publications. MCA is shaped by the Global Integration framework and the Missio Dei model of global member care (updated in Global Member Care Volume 3 in 2024).

Our Special News-Updates 1) promote the wellbeing and effectiveness (WE) of staff and sending groups and 2) support the diversity of colleagues with member care responsibilities. The focus is on the mission sector with applications for/from  the overlapping health, development, humanitarian, and other sectors.

Share the Updates with your colleagues and networks
Sign up is easy:


Global Integration (GI) is a framework for responsibly and actively engaging in our world--collaborating locally through globally for God's glory. It encourages connecting relationally and contributing relevantly on behalf of human wellbeing and the issues facing humanity, in light of our integrity and core values (e.g., ethical, humanitarian, human rights, faith-based). See more perspectives about GI HERE.
You can share your comments and resources on our MCA Facebook Page

Copyright ©2025 Member Care Associates, Inc.

Archived on the Member Care Associates website:

Resource Updates section

To receive the Updates:

To comment and add resources on the Updates:

MCA blog--Reflections, Research, and Resources:

MCA main website:

MCA email:


The material and information in these Updates are shared as a service to the community and should not be seen as an endorsement by MCA or as a substitute for professional medical and/or mental health advice. 

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Global Pearl--2


Member Care Updates

Special News--February 2025

Issue 190

Member Care Updates
Expanding the global impact of member care
Working together for wellbeing and effectiveness

Special News--February 2025
Global Pearl: 2
Loving and Obeying Jesus Christ

Image from cover of GMC 2

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold everything that he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:45-46
Greetings! In this issue (#190) we continue our 12 part series called Global Pearl to help shape and support good member care practice around the world. Throughout the series we emphasize Jesus Christ--the Global Pearl of Great Price (MT 13:45) as we collaborate to engage in mission among all peoples--the global treasure of great price (MT 13:44).

Featured Resources
Member care toolkit by Emily Hervey
Light Up or Burn Out: Practicing Self-Care on the Field

Podcasts by Nick and Ruth Ripken
Trauma and Tragedy on the Mission Field and Trauma and Soul Care (Part 1 and Part 2)

Presentation by RW Lewis
The Greatest Gospel Advance in History: 50 Unbelievable Years

Blog post by Kelly O'Donnell 
Listening to Our Global Voices

See these Member Care Updates
Unreached PeoplesReviewing and Renewing Our Roots (April 2019)
Love: A Command to Cherish and Obey (August 2017)
Jesus Christ—The Lord of Member Care
 (September 2015)

8th Asian Member Care Network Consultation with the theme “Ministry and Sacrifice–Sustainable Service” in Penang, Malaysia (7-11 April 2025).

See also Following Jesus Globally: Engaging the World through Global IntegrationLausanne Global Analysis (2020) and the expanded version, Following and Serving Jesus Globally: A Framework for Engaging with Our World (chapter 2) in Global Member Care Volume 3: Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course (2024).
Warm greetings, 
Kelly and Michèle

--See more resources on our MCA website and  MCA Facebook page 
--Send us your ideas and resources for future MC Updates
--Forward to your colleagues and networks

Featured Resources
Global Pearl: 2
Loving and Obeying Jesus Christ

Image from cover of GMC 3

Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them,
and we will come to them and make our home with them.

John 14:23


Resource One--Special Toolkit
Light Up or Burn Out: Practicing Self-Care on the Field (2024)
Emily Hervey

"This resource addresses stress, trauma, and compassion fatigue for those serving God and others in highly stressful situations.  It includes preventative means of taking care of the whole PERSON: Physical, Emotional, Relational, Spiritual, Occupational, and Needs." It is online for free and we highly recommend it.

"It was 2005. The tsunami had hit Southeast Asia months earlier and devastated the entire regions. The original shock had worn off, search and rescue teams had done all they could, the first responders had gone home, and now the long process of rebuilding was underway. I was studying psychology and wanted to be of service, so I took a semester to volunteer in a small town in Thailand that had been mostly wiped out by the tsunami. I lived and worked in a center designed to provide care for the long-term and short-term volunteers in the area, as well as some outreach to the community. While I meant well, I was not prepared. I didn’t know how to honestly assess my own capacity and wellbeing. No one briefed me on self-care principles and the concept of compassion fatigue was not yet widely discussed. In the end, pre-existing health issues made it necessary for me to leave earlier than planned. I was disappointed in myself and felt I’d let others down when leaving the other counselor without back-up staff. Now I see many things that could’ve been done in a healthier way." (Opening paragraph from the Introduction)

See also Emily's resources on her Living to Glorify God website and the co-authored chapter with her husbandDean Mellerstig, in Global Member Care Volume 3, "Mental Health as Mission--Our Journey into Trauma Training and Care." Their work is featured in the August 2022 Member Care Update, "Mission Frontlines–A Couple’s Journey into Member Care-Mental Health."

Resource Two--Special Podcasts 
Trauma and Tragedy on the Mission Field by Nick Ripken
Trauma and Soul Care (Part 1 and Part 2) by Nick and Ruth Ripken


Trauma and Tragedy on the Mission Field (2023)
"In this deeply personal episode, Nik Ripken reflects on his journey through trauma, health crises, and confronting deeply ingrained racism in his life and ministry. From growing up in a broken home to battling malaria on the mission field and dismantling racial prejudice, Nik shares how God has redeemed his struggles, transforming them into opportunities for reconciliation, humility, and Kingdom work."

Trauma and Soul Care Part One (2023) 
"After witnessing immense tragedy in Somalia, Nik and Ruth Ripken developed practices for counseling missionaries serving in extreme conditions, emphasizing faith, biblical narratives, and community care. Drawing lessons from the Old Testament and celebrating transitions, they offer a roadmap for healing emotional trauma and fostering resilience in the face of adversity."

Trauma and Soul Care Part Two (2023
"Nik and Ruth Ripken share practical advice for supporting missionaries serving in the hardest places, emphasizing the need for balance, community, and spiritual care. They highlight the importance of separating worship from administrative tasks, engaging in mentorship, utilizing confidential support channels, and seeking prayer and direction to maintain resilience and well-being in the face of immense challenges."

See also the Ripken's work featured in the December 2020 Member Care Update with the theme 
"Persecution Pandemics: What Is Jesus Worth? The Insanity of God--The Hope of Humanity."

Note--Staying the Course in Mission and Member Care (STC) podcasts (video and audio versions) feature our interviews with and materials from several of the 50+ contributors in Global Member Care Volume 3 (GMH 3). The STC podcasts featured for January and February 2025 (in this section) were done by the GMC 3 consulting editors Nik and Ruth Ripken, and were recorded in 2023 for their Witness and Persecution podcast seriesGMC 3 is a collaborative book with over 50 contributors and 20 chapters full of stories and strategies, and  reflections and resources from colleagues around the world. It is inspired by the vision to see member care further develop globally to support mission among all peoples.

Going Further
STC Podcasts 2024--Featuring GMC 3 Chapter Authors
--Overviewing Global Member Care Volume  3 (August 2024)
--Prioritizing Frontier People Groups (September 2024)
--Developing Member Care in Indonesia (October 2024)
--Mental Health as Mission–Trauma Training and Care (November 2024)
--A Team Model for Pastoral Coaching (December 2024).

STC Podcasts 2025--Featuring GMC 3 Consulting Editors
--Trauma and Tragedy on the Mission Field (January 2025)
--Trauma and Soul Care (February 2025)

Resource Three--Special Presentation
The Greatest Gospel Advance in History: 50 Unbelievable Years (2024) 
RW Lewis

Chart from the presentation

"[This plenary talk was given] to 750 people at the 50th Year Perspectives Reunion in Chicago last August (2024). It really encourages people to do 2 things. 1) Recognize the huge progress made in spreading the Gospel to new people groups especially during the last 50 years, but ALWAYS with great suffering and cost. 2) Not give up now but stay the course for the last 25% of the world's population still without a church movement of their own.". (Personal communication from the presenter) It is available in four languages so far.

See also the resources and materials on the Telos Fellowship website and the co-authored chapter with her husbandTim Lewis, in Global Member Care Volume 3, "Prioritizing the Frontier Peoples--Strategic Implications for Mission and Member Care." heeer work iss also featured in th Member Car Update

Global Member Care--12 Pearls
Twelve special blog posts to explore good practice

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven
from God,  prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband....
The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl.

Revelation 21:21

Image from cover of GMC 1

This set of blog entries from 2011 explores member care by using brief quotes from the book, Global Member Care Volume 1The Pearls and Perils of Good Practice. There is one excerpt from each of the book's 12 chapters. Each excerpt is like a huge pearl--a pearl gateway--that allows us to enter more fully into the global field of member care. Challenging and relevant!

Pearl Two--Listening to Our Global Voices
"I’m a humanitarian worker living in a location in Africa that is in prime need of help/missions. I’ve experienced many types of stress as I have worked in various mission programs. The most sustained tension that I have experienced has been related to the urgency and the amount of work to be done in a potentially explosive social and political environment. The challenge here is not only to produce expected results quickly, under tense and sometimes risky circumstances. The challenge is also to deal with the constant worry about the security and health of those within my immediate world and where I, my family, and friends fall within that world….

I have another line of sustained tension that comes from belonging and yet being apart. I belong to those who are helping and to those being helped, but I’m neither an expatriate nor a beneficiary. There is a tension between my life as a national, with blood and other deep ties to those around me, and my life as an aid worker coming from the outside to help those threatened by death. It is as if I am being followed by a ghost which constantly reminds me that the needy person—for example, the displaced person in the transit camp—could have been me….

Since I am a committed Christian, a core part of my survival strategy is to keep in touch with God by communicating with Him and referring to His Word…It’s also easy to become pessimistic as we wonder why God allows wars and suffering. To keep sane, I constantly have to pray for grace and wisdom, refer to God’s commands in scripture, do my assigned duties to the best of my ability, and let God be God. I also need the support of those around me and from the organization for which I work."
(Viola Mukasa, chapter 2, pages 26-27)

Reflection and Discussion
--Recall one aspect of your life/work that relates to the quote above.
--Have a go at connecting the above quote with a current international area that interests/concerns you.
--Discuss the quote with colleagues.

See also the 15 chapters in Part Two-Regional Issues and Insights in 
Doing Member Care Well--Perspectives and Practices from Around the World as well as the five chapters in Part Two--Staying the Course in the Regions in Global Member Care Volume 3.
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God 
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39

Member Care Associates

Member Care Associates Inc. (MCA) is a Christian non-profit organization working internationally and across sectors. We focus on personnel development for mission, humanitarian, development, and health workers and their organizations; global mental health; ethics and good practice; and integrity/anti-corruption. Our services include consultation, training, research, developing resources, and publications. MCA is shaped by the Global Integration framework and the Missio Dei model of global member care (updated in Global Member Care Volume 3 in 2024).

Our Special News-Updates 1) promote the wellbeing and effectiveness (WE) of staff and sending groups and 2) support the diversity of colleagues with member care responsibilities. The focus is on the mission sector with applications for/from  the overlapping health, development, humanitarian, and other sectors.

Share the Updates with your colleagues and networks
Sign up is easy:


Global Integration (GI) is a framework for responsibly and actively engaging in our world--collaborating locally through globally for God's glory. It encourages connecting relationally and contributing relevantly on behalf of human wellbeing and the issues facing humanity, in light of our integrity and core values (e.g., ethical, humanitarian, human rights, faith-based). See more perspectives about GI HERE.
You can share your comments and resources on our MCA Facebook Page

Copyright ©2025 Member Care Associates, Inc.

Archived on the Member Care Associates website:

Resource Updates section

To receive the Updates:

To comment and add resources on the Updates:

MCA blog--Reflections, Research, and Resources:

MCA main website:

MCA email:


The material and information in these Updates are shared as a service to the community and should not be seen as an endorsement by MCA or as a substitute for professional medical and/or mental health advice. 

Friday, 3 January 2025

Global Pearl--1


Member Care Updates

Special News--January 2025

Issue 189

Member Care Updates
Expanding the global impact of member care
Working together for wellbeing and effectiveness

Special News--January 2025
Global Pearl: 1
Following and Serving Jesus Christ

Image from cover of GMC 2

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls, and upon finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold everything that he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:44-46
A very good new year to you! In this issue (#189) we begin a 12 part series called Global Pearl to help shape and support good member care practice around the world. Throughout the series we emphasize Jesus Christ--the Global Pearl of Great Price (MT 13:45) as we collaborate to engage in mission among all peoples--the global treasure of great price (MT 13:44).

Featured Resources
New member care book--RelentlessWe Press On
Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick
New podcast interview--A Team Model for Pastoral Coaching
Edward Bruce and Kendall Johns
New assessment tool--Marital Check-Up Inventory for Cross-Cultural Workers
Laurie Tone
Blog post--
Highlighting Member Care History
Kelly  O'Donnell 

Note--William Carey Publishing is offering a 30% discount on their 21 books published in 2024--paperbacks and eBooks with code CELEBRATE2024. Valid through 31 January 2025. View the selection of books HERE.

See these Member Care Updates
Integrity for Mission and Member Care (June 2023)
Member Care and Unreached Peoples (April 2019)
Jesus Christ—The Lord of Member Care (September 2015)

See also 
Following Jesus Globally: Engaging the World through Global IntegrationLausanne Global Analysis (2020) and the expanded version, Following and Serving Jesus Globally: A Framework for Engaging with Our World (chapter 2) in Global Member Care Volume 3: Stories and Strategies for Staying the Course (2024).
Warm greetings, 
Kelly and Michèle

--See more resources on our MCA website and  MCA Facebook page 
--Send us your ideas and resources for future MC Updates
--Forward to your colleagues and networks

Featured Resources
Global Pearl: 1
Following and Serving Jesus Christ

Image from cover of GMC 3

Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be.
My Father will honor the one who serves me.

John 12:26


Resource One
New book--RelentlessWe Press On
Doug Lucas and Tina McCormick (2024)

"Have you ever listened to an inspiring story from a missionary serving in a far-away land and wondered, 'How do they forge on through such difficulties?' In Relentless, you’ll hear answers from Team Expansion team members across the planet. In the pages of this book, they share not only the narrative, but also the backstory too – the 'why' and the 'how' they press on. Relentless: We Press On captures the essence of unwavering faith and determination. The compelling stories illustrate God's relentless love and its transformative impact. It will serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for navigating life's complexities – for you and all those you know." (quote from Amazon site and based on the back cover)

Note--See also Tough People for Tough Places: Member Care Reflections from Team Expansion by Doug and four colleagues (chapter 16 in Global Member Care Volume 3).

“In this chapter, we describe the development and practice of member care in our organization, Team Expansion. We now have 10 member care specialists on staff (four full-time and six part-time) who work closely with our leadership structure. The stakes can be very high for our workers and those whom they serve, so we want to do all we can to back them up with good member care. We have organized this reflective chapter into five sections—one per author. We cover the development of member care during the 45-year journey of a mission CEO, managing chronic stress and trauma in the field, drawing near to the Good Shepherd, understanding how ‘spiritual bypassing’ can hinder personal growth, and identifying what is working well in our member care approach.” (page 265)

Resource Two
New podcast--A Team Model for Pastoral Coaching
Interview with Edward Bruce and Kendall Johns (December 2024)

The fifth episode of Staying the Course in Mission and Member Care features two of the four authors from chapter 20 in Global Member Care Volume 3 (GMC 3). Senior member care colleagues Edward and Kendall discuss the pastoral coaching ministry--a comprehensive team approach--that they have helped to develop over the years for their organization. They share about some of their early struggles in cross-cultural ministry and some core emphases and resources that they use to foster resiliency--emphasizing abiding in Christ and mutual support--to help workers navigate the challenges of  unreached settings. Power point HERE.

Full video version--45 minutes  and Full audio version--45 minutes

Previous podcasts: Overviewing Global Member Care Volume  3 (August), Prioritizing Frontier People Groups (September), Developing Member Care in Indonesia (October), and Mental Health as Mission–Trauma Training and Care (November).

Note--This new podcast series (video and audio versions) features our interviews with and materials from several of the 50+ contributors in GMC 3. GMC 3 is a collaborative book with over 50 contributors and 20 chapters full of stories, strategies, reflections, and resources from member care and mission colleagues around the world. It is inspired by the vision to see member care further develop globally to support mission among all peoples. See the Table of Contents HERE and the full endorsements HERE.

Resource Three
New assessment tool--Marital Check-Up Inventory for Cross-Cultural Workers 
Laurie Tone (2024)

This new marital check-up inventory tool is designed for use by pastoral counselors, member care providers, or other behavioral health professionals exploring key domains that impact Christian couples serving in a cross-cultural context. There is an additional optional set of questions for married couples with children. The inventory tool is intended to identify marital strengths, help recognize areas needing attention, or pinpoint problem areas before they exacerbate. A tool kit including instructions for use, the inventory, scoring sheet and handout on keys to a healthy marriage are available upon request. Contact Laurie at to request these materials offered free of charge.  
Note--See Growing in Grace and Good Works–Featuring the Resources of Dr. Laurie Tone (Member Care Update--March 2024which also includes Laurie's update of the CHOPS Stress Inventory.

Global Member Care--12 Pearls
Twelve blog posts to explore good practice

I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven
from God,  prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband....
The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl.

Revelation 21 2 21

Image from cover of GMC 1

This set of blog entries from 2011 explores member care by using brief quotes from the book, Global Member Care Volume 1The Pearls and Perils of Good Practice. There is one quote from each of the book's 12 chapters. Each quote is like a huge pearl--a pearl gateway--that allows us to enter more fully into the global field of member care. Challenging and relevant!

Pearl One--Highlighting Member Care History
"Over the last twenty years, a special ministry within the Christian mission/aid sector, really a movement, has developed around the world that is called member care. At the core of member care is a commitment to provide ongoing, supportive resources to further develop mission/aid personnel. Currently there are an estimated 400,000 full-time "foreign missionaries" and over 11.8 million national Christian workers from all denominations (Johnson, Barrett, and Crossing, 2010) [2024 estimate is 445,000 and 13,500,000 respectively]. Our member care parish (or catchment area), so to speak, is huge! But these figures do not reflect the number of Christians involved in the overlapping area of humanitarian aid [add other sectors], nor do they reflect the unknown number of "tentmakers" or Christians who intentionally work in different countries while also sharing their good works and faith. Sending organizations and churches, colleagues and friends, specialist providers, and also locals who are befriended are key sources of such care." (page 5)

"Member care, I have learned over and over again, is not about creating a comfortable lifestyle. Nor is it about trusting people instead of trusting God. Rather, it is about further developing the resiliency to do our work well which includes our character, competencies, and social support. It is also about developing relational resiliency, which includes working through the inevitable differences and impasses with international and local fellow-workers." (page 7)

Reflection and Discussion
Recall one aspect of your life/work that relates to the quote above.

Have a go at connecting the above quote with a current international area that interests/concerns you.

See also 
The Missional Heart of Member Care in the International Bulletin of Mission Research (2015), 39(2), 91-96. 
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God 
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Romans 8:38-39

Member Care Associates

Member Care Associates Inc. (MCA) is a Christian non-profit organization working internationally and across sectors. We focus on personnel development for mission, humanitarian, development, and health workers and their organizations; global mental health; ethics and good practice; and integrity/anti-corruption. Our services include consultation, training, research, developing resources, and publications. MCA is shaped by the Global Integration framework and the Missio Dei model of global member care (updated in Global Member Care Volume 3 in 2024).

Our Special News-Updates 1) promote the wellbeing and effectiveness (WE) of staff and sending groups and 2) support the diversity of colleagues with member care responsibilities. The focus is on the mission sector with applications for/from  the overlapping health, development, humanitarian, and other sectors.

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Global Integration (GI) is a framework for responsibly and actively engaging in our world--collaborating locally through globally for God's glory. It encourages connecting relationally and contributing relevantly on behalf of human wellbeing and the issues facing humanity, in light of our integrity and core values (e.g., ethical, humanitarian, human rights, faith-based). See more perspectives about GI HERE.
You can share your comments and resources on our MCA Facebook Page

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